Happy New Year!!!

In The Wee hours of 2010, I'm already up and excited about My New Years Resolution! Have you made one? For 2010, My Goal and Resolution is to focus on being more Organized. Here's my short term plan. Maybe this can work for you too! Today I'm going to create a check list of every thing I want or need to get done this Year. Than I will make a focus for each month. Each month will be broken into how many weeks are in that month. Each day of the week I will set 5 goals. ( They don't have to be big.) I'm starting out small because that seems to work best for me. I don't know about you but I sometimes get overwhelmed by the big picture but if I break it down into little check lists I'm ok. I carry a little pocket calendar for bills that need to be paid and items that need to go out so I will just expand on that and paper clip my daily to do list to that. If you have any great ideas or tips Please share. I'm sure if we stay organized, This will be a successful year!

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"May flowers always line your path and sunshine light your day,

May songbird serenade you every step along the way,

May a rainbow run beside you in a sky that's always blue,

And may happiness fill your heart each day your whole life through."

Irish Blessing

"To everything there is a season and a time for every matter or purpose under heaven." Ecclesiasties 3:1

Thanks to each of you for coming and helping me clear out the store and taking advantage of the great sales.

I think the Lord is teaching me something here and that is, until we close one chapter in our lives we won't ever experience the next chapter. The next chapter may be even better then the previous one. I am really getting excited to see the what the future holds.

Maybe in your life you have finished a chapter. Smile and Embrace what tommorow brings, Enjoy the next journey as I am going to do in my life.
I will still be here online, Send me an email

Blessings to each of you, Dee


I'm Mommy's inspiration
Remember to keep the American dream alive, buy from an American artist!

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